Enrolment Zone Information

Silverstream School has been allocated a home zone and will be governed by an enrolment scheme from November 2024. All children who live within the home zone indicated on the map will have automatic right of entry into Silverstream School. If you have not already indicated to the school your intention to enrol, please make contact with the school office as soon as possible. 

Each year the Board of Trustees will determine the number of places available for out of zone children at Silverstream.  If you would like to apply for one of these out of zone positions, please contact the school office for further information.  

The Board will advertise for out of zone enrolments in Term 3 of each year.  Avaliable positions for the following school year will then be balloted if necessary.

Applications for out-of-zone enrolment are made by completing the enrolment forms and returning them to the school office.  Positions will be allocated using the following order of priority: 

  • Applicants who are the sibling of a current student of the school:

  • Applicants who are the sibling of a former student of the school:

  • Applicants who are a child of a former student of the school:

  • Applicants who are either a child of an employee of the Board of the school or a child of a member of the Board of the school:

  • All other applicants.

If out of zone applications exceed the number of places available a ballot will be held in accordance with the Education Act using these priority groups.